Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Guess What? I have a blog!

Sometimes I have conversations with myself (usually just in my head and not out loud) and wonder if other people are anywhere near as scatterbrained as I am. I don't even know if scatterbrained is the right word, but whatever the label is, "it" is embarrassing.

Today someone (Aletha Mims, hopefully you won't mind me saying) reminded me that I have a blog. That's right. I had totally forgotten that I had ever started this thing back in 2009. In fact, it had so totally slipped my mind that I was even contemplating starting a (new) blog. All I can say is WOW...and be glad that I do have a blog that I can just pick right back up with.

So much has changed since my last post in August 2009. Caroline was 2 months old and our world had not yet been turned on its head with the diagnosis of Infantile Spasms and the subsequent hospital stay, doctors visits, tests, terrible statistics, prognoses, injections, pills, and month after month of physical and occupational therapy. Oh, I don't like to remember the months where we existed on autopilot and our strength was GONE. The Lord's strength was, indeed, made perfect in our weakness, for there is no other way to explain how someone like me got through such an exacting, gut-wrenching, soul-stripping period of time.

More about how Caroline is doing now (GREAT!) in another post...

1 comment:

  1. OH I am SO excited!!!!You really do have a blog, and I am so glad that I am the one who could share that news with you- ha!! I can't wait to blog stalk you now!! :)
